General Information


Mandarin is the official language. English is spoken quite extensively.

Time Zone

Taiwan is 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)


Taipei enjoys warm weather all year round and is extremely suitable for travelling. The average temperature in October is 24.7℃. For more weather information, please visit Central Weather Bureau(


The currency of Taiwan is the New Taiwan Dollar (NT$). Foreign currencies can be exchanged at the banks, airport and hotels. Payment by major credit card is accepted almost everywhere around Taiwan.

  • Taiwan uses an electric current of 110 volts at 60 cycles. Many buildings also have 220-volt sockets.
  • Visitors with appliances of different voltages are urged to bring adapters with them.
Tipping & Tax

Sales tax is included in the listed price in Taiwan
Tipping is not customary in Taiwan, but some hotels and restaurants automatically add a 10% service fee to the bill.

Telephone & Wi-Fi

Public telephones are easy to find in Taipei. Free public Wi-Fi service is available across Taipei city both indoors and outdoors. The SSID of Wi-Fi access is TPE-Free. Visitors who wish to use the service can set up an account with valid passport or entry permit at twelve Tourist Information Center at Taipei included Taipei Main Station and Songshan Airport. To check the free public Wi-Fi service in Taipei, please click here.
In addition to the free Wi-Fi access, payable Wi-Fi accesses are also available in most of 7-11 convenience stores across Taiwan, and in coffee shops and restaurants like Starbucks or McDonald’s. Prepaid access cards can be purchased over the counter at the stores, and the costs vary.